
Need to contact us at MyEroLink? For any inquiry or request regarding collaboration between you and MyEroLink or any other topic, please get in touch with us. You can reach out to a member of our friendly customer support team at the following email address: We are always delighted to hear from the users and fans of the site and we strive to offer the best user experience possible.

Claiming Your Profile

Some profiles on this site may have been generated using an automated process. If you are an influencer or public figure and have discovered your profile is available on this Web site, you may wish to claim it. If that is the case, please write to us at

Please remember to provide the full URL address of the page you wish to claim and we will proceed with the validation of your identity. The process from start to finish should be taken care of within five business days at most, assuming your identification was successfully carried out.

Once this is done, you'll be able to customize your profile and links to your heart's content. You will also be able to enjoy the power of our innovative and unique link-in-bio tool.

DMCA Takedown Requests

Here at MyEroLink, we are committed to respecting and protecting intellectual property rights. However, as the site grows in size and popularity, it is becoming more and more difficult to keep track of the massive amount of content uploaded by our users.

We take all DMCA takedown requests very seriously and comply with copyright laws applicable in Canada. If you feel like your content has been uploaded without your consent to this Web site, get in touch with us at and we will review your request in a timely manner. Typically, you should receive an answer within two business days.